Time, space, and feelings amongst other things all have a position and/or a direction in the Turkish language, and understanding how to express that is necessary for communication. At times this may seem easy and similar to English but at others, it may seem very foreign and yet quite logical.
Lesson Summary
Option 1:
If the word is the source of the verb (literal or figurative), i.e., the direction starts at the word, is moving from the word and away, or is a result of the verb...
Then add -dan or -den
(as per the vowel groups)
Option 2:
If the word is the position of the verb (literal or figurative), i.e., everything occurs at the word, nothing changes position, nor is anything pointing in any direction...
Then add -da or -de
(as per the vowel groups)
Option 3:
If the word is the direction of the verb (literal or figurative), i.e., the verb is directed towards the word, is moving to the word or until the word, or is for the word...
Then add -a or -e
(as per the vowel groups)
Example 1:
Anahtar = key
Masa = table
Anahtarlar masada.
(The keys are on the table)
Example 2:
Ev = house
(I'm in your house)
Example 3:
Ofis = office
Saat = hour
Dokuz = nine
BeÅŸ = five
Açık = open
Ofis saat dokuzdan beşe kadar açık.
The office is open from 7 o'clock until 5.
Example 4:
Fiyat = price
başlıyor = start
Fiyatlar 7 TL'den başlıyor.
The prices start from 7 Turkish Liras.
Example 5:
Hediye = present
Aldı = she bought
Sana hediye aldı.
She bought a present for you.
Example 6:
Telefon = phone
Masa = table
koy = put
Telefonu masaya koyuyorum.
I'm putting the phone on the table.
Example 7:
Sivrisinek = mosquito
Nefret = hatred
Sivrisineklerden nefret ediyorum.
I hate mosquitoes.