Possession in the Turkish language is used in various manners ranging from possession of objects to possession of actions. An example similar in English would be, "'my' cat", and "the move that we 'have' seen". While in English they may not be called possession they do look similar to possession and they do use possessive pronouns in Turkish.

Lesson Summary
Step 1
Add the plural suffix if necessary.
Step 2
If the word now ends in a vowel, add the following suffixes (while changing the vowels as per the vowel pair rules) and proceed to step 4. If not, then go to step 3.

Step 3
If the word now doesn't end in a vowel, add the following suffixes (while changing the vowels as per the vowel pair rules) and proceed to step 4.

Step 4
If you would like to add any further suffixes (except the "verb to be") you will need to add an 'n' since what you just added is a pronoun and pronoun vowels generally need to be followed by an "n".
Example 1:
Kedi = cat
Bizim kedimiz
Our cat
Example 2:
Ön = front
On my front (infront of me)
Example 3:
Sev = love
Kitap = book
SevdiÄŸim kitap
My loved book (the book that I love)
Example 4:
DiÅŸ = tooth
Fırça = brush
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